Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0 ✨ Revolutionary New Features

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Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0 introduces new time-saving features that will help you grow your social media presence without being an expert.

Social Media Optimization Assistant

The new social media assistant appears automatically below post content when social share optimization tags by Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress are active.

Are you stuck in setting the correct social share message? You are not alone in this. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0, you do not need to be a social media expert to set up your correct social message. Welcome a new and revolutionary in a social sharing plugin for WordPress tool for social media message analysis. It’s absolutely easy for even a newbie to set up proper data. The plugin will analyze in real time the input data and give you a human-readable message if there is a problem. If all is good you will get a simple green OK message. Simple isn’t it.

And all the best is that you will have a real-time preview of how the message will look (the preview of the message is close to the real share but we always recommend to do a test sharing before go live).

Along with that, the new social sharing optimization module supports also tag generation for all of your taxonomy pages (category page, tag page and etc.). If you are using a share buttons display for those, now you can use the editor to include your personal and optimized social sharing buttons message.

Pinterest Pro Module

All options related to Pin buttons generated by Pinterest Pro module you can find in Social Sharing -> Pinterest Pro (including the activating of automatic showing of Pin button over content images)

Do you know how long your social media content lasts? A Pinterest post is valid for 4 months, YouTube videos last 20+ days, a LinkedIn post is good for 24 hours, an Instagram post will show up well for 21 hours, you can expect Facebook visibility to be about 5 hours and a tweet on Twitter has a lifespan of roughly 18 minutes.

Pinterest is the social network with the longest lifespan of shared content. Using eye-catching images, highly searchable titles, and captions, and be sure that the links you are using are those that will last for more than a few months. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0, you gain the full power of Pinterest using the new Pro features. Let’s talk about it.

Automatically Add Pin Button for Content Images

Simple and efficient way to get new Pins for your site is adding a button all your content images. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you can do this automatically. The design of the Pin button is highly flexible. The Pin button has access to all design features you have for the regular share buttons. Your favorite templates and styles are ready to use and build an eye-catching button. Place it anywhere over the image with a custom call-to-action button text.

Just activate and the button will automatically appear when visitor points the image or it will be always visible if a mobile device is used. If you plan to use the button on mobile devices do not forget to setup custom height of images. On mobile, the themes usually display responsive images which have a height that is less than 200px (example: set 120px as a minimal height).

Pinterest Images (a.k.a Pin Quotes or Optimized Images for Pins)

It’s like the Twitter sharable quotes but made for your images. Easy add anywhere inside your content a ready to Pin image with a specific share message that will appear when used. And all that with the flexibility in the design of all your existing templates.

Do not worry about the design of your site. We know that tall images which are great for Pins may not fit well on any design. That is why the Pinterest Image feature has support for two types of images – screen image (the one that will appear on site) and Pinterest image (the one that will appear when user share over Pinterest).

Adding of such Pinterest quote is quite simple. You can do this with the editor button and fill the options, generate a shortcode from the plugin Shortcode Generator that you can place anywhere inside content or if you are Elementor user you can use the dedicated widget for this.

Hover the image to see the button

Image Galleries with Pin Button

Another unique function of the plugin that you may not find anywhere is the eye-catching image galleries with a Pin button. Just select the images you need, the columns layout and generate a shortcode (with the editor button or Shortcode Generator). Place the shortcode where you need to have the gallery appearing. You will see a modern design with lightbox for your gallery along with a Pin button appearing on thumbs and lightbox big images. It’s awesome.

Hover the image to see the button

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Purchase of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is $20 one time payment without monthly or yearly fees including lifetime plugin updates.

Styles Library

You can access the new style library by pressing the Style Library menu on the right. To apply a style or save existing design to the library you will see a new control set over each location and global design setup.

A new way to store or use social share button styles. The previous Ready Made Styles module has evolved into a full feature styles library. With a just few clicks you can easily:

  • Apply one of the 40+ existing ready-made styles (more will come out) to any social share button positions or global styles
  • Create own personal style in the library and use it later
  • Save existing design to the style library and use it anywhere on site (or just as a backup)
  • Import/Export existing styles and move them to a new site

The new styles library will act like a design hub that you can use to store or share buttons design.

Adding Custom Positions

Creation of new custom positions you can do from Where to Display -> Custom Positions/Displays menu.

Instead of using shortcodes to show customized share buttons anywhere inside content we now present the custom positions. Custom positions is a new and unique feature of the plugin. With the help of few clicks, you can create your own custom display position. This position will appear on the list of all share button locations you can choose. To show the share buttons assigned to this position you can use a shortcode, function call, Elementor widget or Visual Composer custom element.

But why should I use it? Isn’t the existing shortcode does the same? 

Yes and No. Even they look pretty much the same as functionality the custom position integration has greater advantages than a regular shortcode. Here is the main of them:

  • Easy to manage the design, style, and social networks. The custom position you create will have all the settings like regular share button content positions. If you need to change something than visit the position settings, do the change and save settings. And it will update anywhere it is used. Simple, visual and easy to use.
  • Turn on or off directly from settings. As it like a custom display position you can simply turn it off whenever you do not need it (you have the option to force always the display if needed).
  • Access to the device responsive controls – make it hide on a tablet, desktop or mobile.
  • Access to custom position code settings.

Evolve of The Position Settings

New Controls To Manage Appearance on a Mobile Device, Tablet and Desktop

Are you still using a cache plugin or cache server without mobile support? Unfortunately most popular WordPress cache plugins that are widely used still does not support separate cache for mobile devices. That makes hard to manage the visible on mobile devices share button positions. A major change inside version 6.0 is the additional responsive appearance controls that we add to each design location. Now with the three available fields you can use to hide a particular share button position on a mobile device, tablet or desktop. All that will happen no matter what type of cache uses the user relying on the old but gold responsive technology. But if you are using a modern cache plugin with mobile cache support you can use the advanced mobile display setup in combination with the responsive checks for even better control.

New Custom Code Fields

Lastly, we receive a lot of requests for adding the ability to customize the display positions. Welcome the new custom code fields attached to each display position. The custom code fields include a code before and after the share buttons. The code you enter will appear automatically when the display method is used. The fields support custom HTML code, shortcodes, CSS or Javascript code. That gives the ability of advanced users or developers to easily change each of existing display methods without modifying the code of the plugin. And we also use those fields to supply a custom generated a display from the included designs in the style library.

The most common usage of those fields is to add an additional custom CSS code. That code will appear only when the selected position is used. To provide a proper code generation we include one global CSS class variable that you can use inside your code – {instance_class}. This variable will automatically be replaced with the unique instance share button class on the front of your site. Here is a quick example of adding CSS code:

<style type="text/css">
{instance_class} li a { background-color: blue !important; }


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Purchase of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is $20 one time payment without monthly or yearly fees including lifetime plugin updates.

Subscribe Form Builder

Subscribe form builder is located in the Subscribe Forms menu of plugin, where you can also find the existing form customization options.

Are you using the subscribe forms from Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. You will be happy to know that Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0 now supports custom form building. In the Subscribe menu of plugin you can create unlimited number of forms that you can use along with the 9 existing designs anywhere inside plugin. The custom form builder comes with all you need fields to create an awesome looking subscribe form from the scratch without being touching the code.

And you now have access to the form preview option. The form preview you can start for existing designs (after a change) or the one that you build by your own.

Elementor Integration

Elementor is one of the rapid growing page builders for WordPress. More than 1,000,000 sites now use it. That is why Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0 now supports dedicated Elementor Widgets to show the core plugin functions. Now you have access to:

  • Share buttons display via the Custom Position integration
  • Sharable quotes – click-to-tweet
  • Pinterest optimized image for sharing
  • Subscribe form
  • Followers counter display

Social Followers Counter or Profile Buttons Below Content

Do you need to show automatically social profile buttons below content of your site? If so you have it now. In the new version 6.0 of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you can automatically display social followers counter or just social profile links. The both displays has a similar purpose. The difference is the data you see. If you choose the followers counter bar below content you should also fill the correct access details to allow plugin update number of followers. On the other side if you need a simple profile links you can activate the profiles bar below content – no extra setup beside the link to your network profile.

Additional New Features in Plugin

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 6.0 is a major plugin update. As a major update it contains a lot of changes, updates and improvements under the hood. Above we highlight the most popular new features in details. Below you can find a list of additional new features added to plugin that also needs to be mentioned.

  • Overall setup screen re-design. We change it to have a modern colorful outlook.
  • A new design of the plugin modes screen.
  • A new design of the manage plugin features screen. Now you can easy find the active modules, deactivate not used or re-activate the one you stop.
  • A new menu option to reset data appears in the Import/Export menu (the previous reset buttons are still accessible in the Administrative Options).
  • A new first time walk through wizard added to highlight the core plugin components.
  • In share counters we add a new option to narrow down the counter update calls. This option will do a secondary check to ensure that most popular posts do not update to frequently based on the setup of update period. This will give an additional spot for less popular posts to update the official share counters.
  • AddThis internal counter support added. If you are migrating form AddThis you can use this option to import in the total counter the past internal share values you have stored. The option require to have your AddThis account opened in order to update the values.
  • Conversio support added to mailing list platforms inside Subscribe Forms
  • Template builder is now part of plugin. If you were using the extension in past you can now deactivate it. The configured custom template will be automatically imported inside the core.
  • The manage active display positions is now part of the Positions screen. You can remove the unused positions directly while configuring the other visual details.
  • The advanced features deactivate is moved to the Where to Display main screen
  • Improved total counter display style based on the size controls. The total counter will follow the size change you do from settings and also change to fit inside that.
More Power. More Performance. More Flexibility. Impressive Results! 🚀
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is developed to be a complete social media plugin. It's build to increase your share, grow your followers, get new subscribers, or communicate with your visitors and customers. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is carefully built with performance in mind and won’t slow down your site.
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More Power. More Performance. More Flexibility. Impressive Results! 🚀
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is developed to be a complete social media plugin. It's build to increase your share, grow your followers, get new subscribers, or communicate with your visitors and customers. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is carefully built with performance in mind and won’t slow down your site.
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