Social Proof Notifications Setup


Message Display and Appearance

  • Activate Notification Display – main option that will control will the notifications appear or not on screen. You need to make it say Yes to start showing any notification
  • Appear On – choose do you need the notifications to appear on entire site or just on selected pages/posts
  • Page ID Filter – inside Page ID Filter field you can include post/page IDs that will be excluded or included for display. In case you select in Appear On to show notifications for entire site, in this field you can fill the post/page ID where the notifications will not appear. If you set in Appear On to show notifications for selected pages only, inside this field you can choose the pages where the notifications will come (in case you do not fill anything here but select Appear On for selected posts/pages, no notifications will show on site).
  • Show On Mobile – control does the notifications appear on mobile or not (default is No)
  • Show Close Button – display a close notification button that will allow the users to hide before automatic hidden trigger. It is useful in case you set a long time on screen for a message.
  • Users – control which users will see the message. You can choose between All, Just logged in on site or those that are not logged in.
  • Visitors – controls which visitors will see the messages. You can choose between All, only new visitors (coming for the first time to site) or those that are returning (have opened at least one page on site). The option uses a technical cookie without storing any user information to identify is the site opened or not
  • Initial Display Delay – that is the time that plugin will wait before start to show notifications on screen. The period is set in seconds (example: 5, 10 and etc.)
  • Display Time  – that is the time each message will remain on screen. The period is set in seconds (example: 5, 10 and etc.)
  • Delay Between – that is the time that plugin will wait before showing the next notification on screen. The period is set in seconds (example: 5, 10 and etc.)
  • Number of Notifications to Show – that is the global number of notifications that will appear on screen. Setup a numeric value. If blank 10 notifications will appear at screen (or less based on the other settings). The final notifications pool is generated from all notification components and their settings. Plugin will choose a random number till the limit is reached.
  • Appear At – choose the location on screen where message will appear.
  • Loop Messages – the option allow to set the messages start again when they reach the end of queue. If option says no when the last message is displayed plugin will stop showing anymore notifications unless a new page is opened or the page is reloaded.

Style Settings

The message style settings will appear on all generated notifications. A personalized style for different message types can be made only using a custom CSS code at this time.

  • Shape – control the shape of the message window
  • Background Color – change the default message background color
  • First Line Text Color – control the text color of the first message line
  • Second Line Text Color – control the text color of the second message line (and all other lines)
  • Default Image – that is the default image that will appear when the notification message has an image setup, but such can’t be read from post data
  • Show Credit – display a tiny text to show that you are using Social Proof Notifications on your site

Share Notifications

Share Notifications

Those type of notification messages will read the stored share counter information received from Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. If share counters are not used on your site there will be no source of data and no notifications will appear. Those notifications generate a message showing the number of shares of current post/page has on a specific used network and encourage users with 1 click to share too.

  • Show Notifications – activation option to start generating share notifications
  • Include Total Counter – set to Yes if you wish to include a notification for the total number of shares too
  • Number of Notifications to Show – the number of notifications to show from the existing component (the final notifications will appear based on sum of all notifications from all components, randomized and narrowed down to the total limit for showing on screen).
  • Minimal Share Value – control the minimal value of shares that one network should have to qualify for display. If nothing is set plugin will look for all networks that has at least 1 share
  • Custom Message Template – provide the notification message template (no html – plain text by showing data on separate lines). You can use the following template tags: {title} – the post/page title, {link} – the post/page link, {network} – the name of selected network, {value} – the number value of the selected source
  • Action Type – choose what will happen when user click over the message. The default action is to share the post on the selected network or you can change it and link to a custom page
  • Custom Link – the custom link that will be used only if you change Action Type to a custom link
  • Additional Message Template #2 – Additional Message Template #5 – additional variations of the current message template.
Default message template used for this notification

{title} is highly popular post having {value} {network} shares
Share with your friends

Profile Follow Notifications

Follow Notifications

Those type of notification messages will read the stored followers counter information received from Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress (require the Social Followers Counter module to be already activated and configured on site). If followers counters are not used on your site there will be no source of data and no notifications will appear. Those notifications generate a message showing the number of followers that social profile has on a specific used network and encourage users to open and follow.

  • Show Notifications – activation option to start generating share notifications
  • Number of Notifications to Show – the number of notifications to show from the existing component (the final notifications will appear based on sum of all notifications from all components, randomized and narrowed down to the total limit for showing on screen).
  • Minimal Followers Value – control the minimal value of followers that one network should have to qualify for display. If nothing is set plugin will look for all networks that has at least 1 fpllower
  • Custom Message Template – provide the notification message template (no html – plain text by showing data on separate lines). You can use the following template tags: {title} – the post/page title, {link} – the post/page link, {network} – the name of selected network, {value} – the number value of the selected source
  • Action Type – choose what will happen when user click over the message. The default action is to open the displayed social profile or you can change it and link to a custom page
  • Custom Link – the custom link that will be used only if you change Action Type to a custom link
  • Additional Message Template #2 – Additional Message Template #5 – additional variations of the current message template.
Default message template used for this notification

Join the {value} passion followers on {network}
Follow us

Subscribe Notifications

Subscribe to Mailing List Notifications

A notification showing the number of subscribers you have and encourage visitors to join your list. To use the integrated subscribe forms you need to have the Subscribe forms module of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress configured. Otherwise you can set the action to open a custom link.

  • Show Notifications – activation option to start generating share notifications
  • Number of Subscribers– the value of subscribers cannot be read automatically for now. In the field you can fill the value that you wish to appear in the message.
  • Custom Message Template – provide the notification message template (no html – plain text by showing data on separate lines). You can use the following template tags: {title} – the post/page title, {link} – the post/page link, {network} – the name of selected network, {value} – the number value of the selected source
  • Action Type – choose what will happen when user click over the message. The default action is to open a subscribe form from the Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress subscribe forms module. To work properly the module needs to be connected and configured with the service you will use. Otherwise you can change the action to open a custom link.
  • Subscribe Form Design – choose the form design that will appear on screen when the action type is set to open a subscribe form.
  • Custom Link – the custom link that will be used only if you change Action Type to a custom link
  • Additional Message Template #2 – Additional Message Template #5 – additional variations of the current message template.
Default message template used for this notification

Join the {value} subscribers
Get instant updates directly inside your inbox
Subscribe now

WooCommerce Notifications

WooCommerce Notifications

Those type of notifications will show data for a recent purchase that you have in your WooCommerce store.

  • Show Notifications – activation option to start generating share notifications
  • Number of Notifications to Show – the number of notifications to show from the existing component (the final notifications will appear based on sum of all notifications from all components, randomized and narrowed down to the total limit for showing on screen).
  • Custom Message Template – provide the notification message template (no html – plain text by showing data on separate lines). You can use the following template tags: {name}, {city}, {state}, {country}, {title}, {time}
  • Action Type – choose what will happen when user click over the message. The default action is to open the displayed social profile or you can change it and link to a custom page
  • Custom Link – the custom link that will be used only if you change Action Type to a custom link
  • Additional Message Template #2 – Additional Message Template #5 – additional variations of the current message template.
Default message template used for this notification

{name} from {city}
Purchased {title}

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