Instantly Increase Conversions on your Website with Social Proof

Social proof is the simple idea that consumers will adapt their behavior according to what other people are doing. If your visitors see that others are doing, they will be more likely to do the same.

Add Social Proof Notifications from Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress and immediately start growing your social conversions.

Social Proof Notification is an add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. The notifications related to the social media are generated from the data stored by the Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress plugin and they require specific components to be configured and used on your site. You can view all the requirements on the documentation page.

Display Social Shares

The Social Shares notification displays the number of shares that page has on a specific network. The notification message is a one-click share action to the selected social network.

This is a great way to improve the social shares of your site.

Display Social Followers

The Social followers notification displays the number of followers you have on a specific network profile. The notification message is a one-click action to visit your profile and increase your social popularity.

Grow Your Subscribers

The subscribers notification show how popular your mailing list is. Easy add a one click form to join your list or lead to a custom subscribe page.

Showing how popular your list instantly increase your subscribe action conversion.

WooCommerce Recent Activity

The Recent Activity or Conversions features is the most popular social proof notification. It’s used to display the notifications for your recent purchases on your WooCommerce store.

An Unique Feature for a WordPress Social Media Plugin

Up To 5 Message Variations

Take control

Message Display Conditions


Change Style From The Settings

Get Social Proof Notifications Now


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