Are you looking for the best social media plugin for Elementor? This article is just for you. In the end, you will know the awesome social media features directly integrated into Elementor Free and Pro with the help of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress.
What Is Elementor?
Elementor is a visual drag and drop page builder plugin that helps you add advanced styling, layout, and design elements to your WordPress content without requiring you to know code. Launched in 2016, Elementor has quickly shot up the charts and is now active on over 5,000,000+ websites while maintaining an impressive 96% rating on 5510 reviews at
With such impressive results, we can say that Elementor is one of the most popular page builders nowadays. You can build awesome designs even using free versions. But if you are a Pro user designing a complete website will be a piece of cake. Even for a newbie user without any knowledge.
Which is the best social media plugin for Elementor?
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress has full-featured support for Elementor page builder with a custom made widgets. Those widgets you can use in the free or pro version. Using those handy widgets you can add the most popular social media features anywhere in a page, section or template build with Elementor. Interested? Let’s see what is inside:
- Social Share Buttons Display
- Sharable Quotes
- Subscribe Form
- Pinable Image
- Share Action Button
- Followers Counter
- Instagram Feed
Widgets included in the best social media plugin for Elementor
Social Share Buttons Display
The custom displays/positions are a unique feature of the best social media plugin for Elementor. The custom positions are designed to provide a better integration for custom share buttons display on site. Even that in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you have 30+ automatic display positions for share buttons that may not be enough for your site. Usually, advanced users need deeper integration.
That is why we create the custom display/positions feature. Using this you can create a new custom display and include it inside content using an Elementor Widget.
But you will wonder why I need this? Doesn’t the shortcode do the same?
Yes and no. The usage looks like a screenshot but technically this is a more user-friendly method of using share buttons. Each of the created positions using this plugin function will appear in the list of the position that the plugin provides. And like all automated positions you will have all design controls for personal styles, networks, and code.
And even more – the position will appear in the list of “Additional Display Methods”. This allows you to turn it on or off from the plugin settings without the need to edit code. A design change is super easy and it will automatically appear on all locations where the call to this custom position is added.
Sharable Quote
Easily add a call to action sharable quotes for Twitter (a.k.a. Click to Tweet).
Subscribe Form
Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox.
Did you know that Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress also has a subscription to mailing list forms? It is included for free inside each copy of the plugin. Subscribe forms support for MailChimp, GetResponse, Mailster, Mailpoet, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, CampaignMonitor, MadMimi, SendinBlue, Conversio, Jetpack Subscriptions, ConvertKit. Get 9 awesome looking ready designs – easy to customize. Build an unlimited number of custom form designs using integrated form builder.
Pinnable Images
The Pinnable image is similar to sharable quotes for Twitter but made for Pinterest. You can easily create Pinnable quotes by adding a custom message and image. You can also specify a different image for the screen and Pinning which is really awesome.
Share Action Button
The share action button is an awesome two-step sharing feature. Using the widget you can add a custom button anywhere inside content launching the share buttons. It is very useful to embed inside call to action sections, header, footer, or anywhere inside content build with Elemenetor.
In case you have missed it the share action button can also be used using a shortcode too.
Followers Counter
Social Followers
Show awesome looking social profile links with followers counter. You may ask yourself why using it and what is the difference from the existing Elementor buttons? The answer is quite simple. You can use multiple ready to use templates and styles not available out of the box inside Elementor. And most important you show your followers counter.
Instagram Feed
Along with the Share Buttons Display, this is one of the most used widgets. You can add awsome looking Instagram feeds for any profile with Elementor – no token or authorization required.